Why worship? What's the point? God has made each of us just as we are and given us everything we have. We worship and give thanks for all we have been given. When we gather for worship [services], we share in corporate worship with everyone else there. Worship helps us grow in faith, share good news and sorrow, and praise and thank God together. It encourages us to ask, "What is God up to here?"
What happens in worship? The Lutheran church follows a liturgy, in which everyone participates.In fact, that is what liturgy means: the work of the people. Our services can be divided into four sections: Gather, Word, Meal, Sending.
Gather: We begin worship with greetings, confess our sins and receive forgiveness, sing, and pray
Word: We hear the Bible readings for the day and listen to a sermon that helps us understand what those readings mean for us in our lives. We sing together as response to the Word we have heard, affirm our faith together and pray for all the people of God wherever they may be. We share the peace of God with those around us.
Meal: We give our offerings of money to the church so that we invest in the mission of the whole-wide church. We share in communion - a foretaste of the heavenly feast to come, and give thanks for communing together.
Sending: We receive a blessing, sing a song that will send us out into the world to share our faith and serve others. We verbally commit to go out to serve.
Who can come to worship? Everyone! All are welcome at Trinity. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is welcome for communion at the Lord's Table. Questions are welcome because that is how we learn and grow in both faith and service.