Committees  - Members of the Body of Christ

Committee leaders are members of the Church.  People are elected to serve for one, two, or three years. We work together to facilitate the work of the church.    The work each committee does is incredibly important to the life, ministry and missions of the Church.

God calls each one of us to use our time and talents to serve one another!  

Let us know how you would like to serve. 

  • congregation council

    Supports the congregation by helping facilitate its mission and visionThe Lutheran church is unique in its basis because everything it does comes from God - we do God's work in our communities and throughout the world.   The Council meets monthly, on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

  • Care & Health Committee

    Helps to facilitate healthy lifestyles by sharing opportunities to learn about nutrition, exercise, blood pressure screenings, positive relationships, and the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.  We care for the spiritual life of the Church. Members assist the Pastor in determining how best to meet spiritual needs and concerns of the congregation.  

    The committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.   

    *Amy Richardson, Council Member; *Cindy Lias, Chairperson.

  • worship & music committee

    Meets monthly to help the pastor plan for the worship services on how we "do" worship. We plan special worship events; help determine worship schedules; make suggestions regarding artwork and banners, as well as other items displayed in the sanctuary and gathering area; and make provision for the upkeep and maintenance of our instruments and sound equipment.  *Jeanne Roberts, Chairperson/Council Member.

  • altAR guild

    Members care for the chancel area and its furnishings; make communion bread; fill and wash communion vessels; care for the linens; clean and polish the brass pieces; hang banners appropriate for the church year; make provision for candles and candelabra used at weddings; decorate for the seasons of Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Lent/Palm Sunday, and assist the Worship and Music Committee as necessary.   

    *Nancy Nelson, Chairperson.

  • education and discipleship & youth and family

    Caring for the Christian Education of the body of Christ. The committee oversees and promotes the educational programs of the church: BLAST and Confirmation; Vacation Bible school and/or Day Camp; First Communion; Confirmation; High school youth group. Graduation.  We meet throughout the year, time and location are determined.  

    *Tiffany Kashas and Tracy Cleveland, Co-Chairpersons/Council Member.

  • evangelism and outreach & welcome and community

    Plan and coordinate a variety of interesting and fun-filled activities for all ages! Bowling, Picnics, Hayrides, Horseback Riding, Golfing, Mystery Meals, Potlucks, Game Nights, Tailgate parties, Main Street Center fundraising dinner, Vermillion Food Pantry, Sharing the Dream Store, Prison Congregations of America, and we are encouraged by your ideas!  We promote church membership and visit with prospective new members within 72 hours.  We meet monthly, the second Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.  

    *Amber Anders, Chairperson/Council Member.

  • finance, administration & property

    Manage the monetary gifts given to the congregation, so that we can give Glory to God. We take care of the physical needs of our facility:  maintenance, upkeep of the outside grounds, preventative maintenance, programming and general planning as well as study, oversight and management of any new church construction or remodeling. We meet monthly, the second Monday at 7:00 p.m. 

    *John Walker, Chairperson/Council Member. 

  • stewardship & giving

    Conduct regular programming to encourage generosity to local ministries, ministries of the synod, and to churchwide communities. We also encourage regular, proportionate giving from the congregation.  Committee meets the second Monday at 6:00 p.m. 

    *Jennifer Orr, Chairperson/Council Member.

  • piecemakers

    Meet weekly every Thursday at 10:00 AM every Thursday.  We accept all types of materials to cut, piece together, and sew blocks into quilt tops. We add batting and a back to each quilt. We tie blankets and finish sewing. We do other types of sewing projects too. Most of the quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and other to organizations.  Everyone of any age is welcome to gather together, laugh and learn from each other.   

    *Contact, Glenda Ofstehage.

  • mutual ministry

    Mutual Ministry is purposefully focused on the mission of this congregation helping us to discern God’s will for our ministry within our congregation and community.  We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  

    *Chairperson, Mary Berglin

  • Mission endowment committee

    Make decisions involving the investment of funds, principle funds, interest and endowments given to the church.  

    We meet throughout the church year. The dates and times are determined by the committee.

    *Chairperson, Alan Wittmuss.