Welcome to Trinity

Pastor Jackie Braun

Sunday, March 23

Third Sunday in Lent

Livestream at 10:00 AM



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Wherever you’ve been,

wherever you’re headed,

while you’re in Vermillion, 

make Trinity your home. 

  • Who are we?

    Faith, Family, Worship, and Service.

    Faith in God is what grounds us. Family and each person helps us in daily life.  Worship is where we come together to praise God for his goodness, seek healing and forgiveness, and hear more about what He has to say.      

  • Who is Jesus?

    Jesus lived about two thousand years ago.  We know about Jesus through the Bible, an account what Jesus did and taught. Jesus is also mentioned by historians of the time; so, we know Jesus actually existed. Like other faiths, we believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is alive an active through the Holy Spirit today.

  • who was martin luther?

    Martin Luther, a monk in the Catholic church, noticed the church had lost sight of the teachings that God gives us. Salvation is a gift; it is not an achievement.

    Luther challenged the church to reform its teaching and practices. 

    It is through his writings, teaching, and preaching that we are Lutheran. 

  • Why do we call ourselves "Trinity" Lutheran Church?

    The word Trinity is derived from the combination of the prefix "tri-" and the word "unity." We believe and teach that God is such a tri-unity: three persons sharing one divine essence. God is a community, united in love and committed to the salvation of the entire creation. God is at work forming all humankind to do God's work in the world.